KRITIS network platform

Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Treibert
Hochschule Niederrhein
The initial idea to set up a network platform focusing on the topic of critical infrastructures emerged in 2016. Its foundation was based on years of intensive dialogue between Prof. Dr.-Ing René Treibert, who built up the Clavis Institute for Information Security at the Hochschule Niederrhein, and Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uli Barth, who heads the Chair of Methods in Safety Engineering/Accident Research in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Engineering at the University of Wuppertal.
After the dissolution of the Protection Commission at the Federal Ministry of the Interior in 2015, the network platform opens up a modern format for all those who want to continue to contribute in a scientific and independent manner to the continuous security improvement of critical infrastructures. Since the official launch of the network platform on 9 December 2016 in Mönchengladbach, there have been numerous specialist events and publications.
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